Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Words Without Pictures...

Sorry, no pictures! Our camera broke this past week, but I thought I'd share a few updates of Little Jimbo:

-When Jimmer gets really excited he’ll stretch out his arms, point his chin to his chest, open his eyes really wide, and make this weird/funny grunting noise.

-Sometimes in his excitement, too, he’ll flap his arms like crazy and in a really deep voice growl, and then he’ll say “oh, ho, hooo, owwww” in a really low voice until he’s out of breath and then he’ll try to exhale while "owww"ing just a little bit longer. It's hard to explain but it's really funny.

-Laughs when he’s on Dad’s shoulders,
when he’s cuddled by blankets and all wrapped up really cozily, when he gets flipped upside down, when he’s past the point of being tired, when I open my eyes really wide at him or when I flip my head from side to side, or when we say anything that starts with a “B, T, or M”.

-Loves to pull off his socks to suck on them.

-Loves when stuffed animals give him kisses.

-Loves his stuffed "Woody" character from Toy Story.

-Loves bath time. He loves splashing in the water and getting everything wet.

-Loves anything that isn’t deemed a toy: wrappers, paper, hair ties, anything with a string on it (sweatpants, shoes, etc), cords, aluminum, mirrors, etc...

-Anytime he’s tired or hungry, he’ll look for wherever I am so that he can cry at me.

-Doesn’t take naps, or if he does, they’re really short.

-Will be going about his business when all of a sudden Jimmer will just look up at the fan, ceiling, or sky, and just sit there staring. He seems to see something that we don’t.

-He loves, loves, loves to sit up, but doesn’t like being on his stomach or back.

-He LOVES food. All of it. He can eat an entire cereal bowl of baby food and he still grunts and tries to reach for the spoon as soon as I’m finished feeding him. After each bite he’ll gasp and open his eyes really wide, like it was the best thing that just happened to him. He has a special place in his heart for bananas and pears.

-He’s shy. Unless he’s seen you a lot before, he gets really quiet and just sits there. Otherwise, if he is comfortable with you, he’ll scream and babble loudly.

-He is a SUPER smiley baby, and I’m so grateful for that.

-Anytime he gets hurt or gets a shot he’ll cry for about 15 seconds and then he gets over it. I think he has a high pain tolerance.

-He is a cuddler! He LOVES to bury his head into us and loves to be held.

-He really loves car rides. He usually won’t fall asleep in the car, but he loves being nestled up and he’ll just talk to himself. He really is his own best friend.

-He’s a charmer. Anytime I go anywhere, people love to stop and talk to him. It's those eyelashes!

-He loves my hair. He loves pulling on hair, and he’s got a grasp of steel. I think I might be bald in another month.

-He loves when Kasey and I talk to each other. He will just sit and watch us whenever Kasey and I have a conversation. It’s really cute.

-He loves being outside. LOVES IT. Anytime he’d ever get fussy when the weather was nice, he’d be as content as could be sitting on the blanket playing with his toys.

-He loves wind. Anytime it was particularly windy outside he’d suck in his breath and smile like he was on a roller coaster.

-He hates being barked at! On our way to the park we have a neighbor with a dog that barks at anyone who comes by and Jimmer cries every time. :(

-He loves listening to the Beach Boys.

-He’s perfect and I love him more than I can express. I have so much fun with him and think every age he goes through is the perfect age! I love being Jimmer's Mom. I'm so lucky to have him!


  1. I'm so glad Jimmer likes me! His smile just knocks me out. I also hate getting barked at.

  2. Ok, if I didn't know you were talking about Jimmer, I really would have thought you were talking about Brian as a baby. He did some of those exact same things. He loved laughing at anything we said that started with a "B" or "D," took short naps, loves beach boys, was always shy at first, super smiley, loves being outside,etc. I think we have the same first kid. They must be cousins!

  3. Oh and Brian also loved looking at ceilings and still loves to eat.
